10 Things in 10 Minutes

November 27, 2008

For some strange reason the #10 was following me today.  Everywhere I turn, I’m ran into this number.  It started with a call from my son’s teacher saying the school closed 10 minutes ago (yikes!), later 1010 News not working on my radio while on Rt 10, and then stumbling on the below list while on Twitter.  Anyway, I’m wrapping up tonight at 10PM with this great suggestion from C.C. Chapman.

10 Things in 10 Minutes to get you started on social media.

  1. Google yourself, your brand, your competitors. See what is being said and where you rank.
  2. Set up multiple Google Alerts based around anything you want to be automatically notified about when a post appears online.
  3. Begin using Twitter . Even if you use it more to read what others are saying then saying much yourself. Use Twitter Search to see what you might have missed on a topic such as your brand.  Addictomatic is another great tool.
  4. Join a social network. The two I recommend getting started with are LinkedIn and Facebook .
  5. Sign up for newsletters. The three I recommend are MarketingVox, WOMMA and MarketingProfs as great starters to keep you informed.
  6. Get a Flickr account even if you don’t plan on sharing photos. Search for events that you know are going on to start getting to know the people and faces.
  7. Read constantly. Shelfari and Goodreads can both help you see what other people are reading and get your new marketing bookshelf started.
  8. Attend events because nothing beats face-to-face. I love using Upcoming to see what is going on and what my friends are attending.
  9. Evernote , my laptop and iPhone are what I use to capture everything that gets my attention.
  10. Yelp allows you to review and discover vendors of all sorts anywhere in the world.

New Addiction?

November 9, 2008

Addictomatic.com - Result on Hunter Douglas I stumbled-upon a news aggregation service called Addictomatic(addict-o-matic, which launched few months ago).  I played with the site for a while and though some of the results it returned weren’t always correct, I still found the site to be useful and… perhaps quite addicting.

SITE SUMMARY:  Enter any topic on Addictomatic’s  search box and it instantly populates up to 24 news feeds, blogs, micro-blogs, videos and pcitures into a neatly organized dashboards.  Addictomatic also allows you to personalize your results dashboards and offer a bookmark URL so that you can come back to your personalized result page later for more real-time reads.  Here’s an example I did on Hunter Douglas (one of Sigma’s client).

NET/NET:  A great way to get a quick real-time pulse on your topic/brand. 

TIPS:  Be as precise with your keywords as possible and also have series of alternative keywords.  As stated in the 2nd sentence, some of the results it returns are not always correct.

Thanks for visiting EXIT 163~~*

Presentation Stress?

November 3, 2008

Do you get stressed when you need to put together a presentation?  Do you surf the net from one site to another trying to get an idea or perhaps wishing you knew what others have covered on your topic (e.g., competitive intelligence)?  Well I found two sites that you might want to check out to help you get you started with that PowerPoint.  

Both sites are good resources to research presentations and gain quick insights from subject experts and academics (please use your best judgement on this).  Personally, I’m not sure if I’ll ever post a presentation here, but it sure seems like a lot of other people like to share their powerpoints and many like to download them.  Below are couple of documents that I’m copy/pasting here as an example with a full credit to Alexei Kapterev, Richie Escovedo and Terry Morawski.