Presentation Stress?

November 3, 2008

Do you get stressed when you need to put together a presentation?  Do you surf the net from one site to another trying to get an idea or perhaps wishing you knew what others have covered on your topic (e.g., competitive intelligence)?  Well I found two sites that you might want to check out to help you get you started with that PowerPoint.  

Both sites are good resources to research presentations and gain quick insights from subject experts and academics (please use your best judgement on this).  Personally, I’m not sure if I’ll ever post a presentation here, but it sure seems like a lot of other people like to share their powerpoints and many like to download them.  Below are couple of documents that I’m copy/pasting here as an example with a full credit to Alexei Kapterev, Richie Escovedo and Terry Morawski.